segunda-feira, janeiro 30, 2006

Pensamento E Musica Da Semana

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Out Hud - It´s For You

Bem esta musica ta lindonazona mesmo, embora na seja bem o meu género foi dakelas k deu click á primeira escutadela hihihi
E era precisamente ali keu a gostava de ouvir, mudaria apenas a cor do cavalo pa preto k são os mais lindões^-^

3 comentários:

BAG disse...

He's obtuse up there.
She's up to something.
And I can't breathe.

4 A.M.
And I was sleeping, but the phone just rang.
Dead Air.
And someone breathing who's up to something.

I'll leave and let you go
And though you're moving a little too slow.
I'll even let you know.
You did the right thing.

And I can't breathe..

4 A.M.
And I was sleeping, but the phone just rang.
:: ring ::
Dead Air.
And someone breathing who's up to something.

I'll leave and let you go
And though you're moving a little too slow.
I'll even let you know.
You did the right thing.

:: ring ::

Pistaxa disse...

Very very smart...=)

Pistaxa disse...

porra mt prokurei o raio da letraaaa!!!