quinta-feira, agosto 11, 2005


JERRY - I'm not sure and and correct me if I'm wrong but I think I see... a nipple.
ELAINE - What?
JERRY - Here. Take a look. What is that?
ELAINE - (gasps) Oh my God! That's my nipple.
JERRY - That's what I thought.
ELAINE - That's my nipple! My nipple's exposed. I sent this card to hundreds of people! My parents. My boss. Uh, Nana and Papa.
ELAINE - Oh God, I didn't notice. Oh, what am I going to do? You know, your whole life you go through painstaking efforts to hide your nipple and then BOOM, suddenly hundreds of people get their own personal shot of it.
JERRY - So what? It's a nipple. A little brown circular protuberance. What's the big deal? See everybody's got them. See I got them.
KRAMER - I got them too.
JERRY - Everybody's got them.

Seinfeld - "The Pick"

2 comentários:

Bimba disse...

Hehehehehhe ganda episodio... gosto da parte em que o george xega perto da elaine e diz sou teu amigo e tal e mandas te o teu postal a todos menos a mim e ela como tava tao xateado com a cena da mama agarra o george pela cabeca e o esfrega nas mamas dele lolololololololololololololollolololololololololol mt bom mt bom....

Pistaxa disse...

o geroge é akela koisa LOLOL foi demais!