terça-feira, agosto 09, 2005


(George pulls his seat forward to allow Elaine into the back seats)
ELAINE: Hey, what are you doing?
GEORGE: I'm letting you in.
ELAINE: Oh no. No. I don't want to sit in the back. I'll be left out of the conversation.
GEORGE: No, you won't.
ELAINE: Yes, I will, George. I'll have to sick my chin on top of the seat.
GEORGE: Okay..
(George gets out, and gestures for Elaine to sit in the seat)
ELAINE: Why can't you sit in the middle?
GEORGE: Please, it doesn't look good. Boy, boy, girl.
ELAINE: I think you're afraid to sit next to a man. You're a little homophobic, aren't you?
GEORGE: Is it that obvious?
(Elaine sits in the middle)
ELAINE: Hello, Jerry.
JERRY: Hello.
ELAINE: Did you get a haircut?

Do episódio - Ex Girldfriend

Bem este episódio tal hilariante e aqui fica um excertozitu,keria ter posto um anterior mas inda estou á caça hihihi

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