domingo, agosto 28, 2005

Banda Sonora De Domingo

My hands my feet are worn
As much as yours are
And though my head my hands my heart are forming
They still feel worlds apart

Beneath it all you´re golden
And that´s all I´m feeding on
And though my head my hands are growing colder
We move circles now

Berenice there´s no release at all
That´s not worth dying for

My hands my feet are worn
As much as yours are

Berenice there´s no release at all
That´s not worth dying for
And it´s not for our desires but our design that we all fall apart

Berenice there´s no release at all
It´s worthless crying for
And though my ....................´cause we all fall down

The Veils - The Leavers Dance

Esta conhecem decerteza ké do anuncio da optimus penso eu de ke..o nome da musica tah sugestivo e embora ja teja um kado farta de a ouvir aki fica =)
A foto como adorei mesmo e embora á primeira vista na se adekue mt bem e tal...azaritu!

2 comentários:

Sandrinha disse...

nem nao gostar que ponha de lado :P

Pistaxa disse...