quinta-feira, junho 18, 2009

Remember 90's xD

"Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life

Trying to make ends meet

You're a slave to money then you die

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down

You know the one that takes you to the places

where all the veins meet yeah

No change, I can't change

I can't change, I can't change

But I'm here in my mold

I am here in my mold

But I'm a million different people

from one day to the next

I can't change my mold

No, no, no, no, no, no, no,no,no,no,no,no(fading away)

Well I never pray

But tonight I'm on my knees yeah

I need to hear some sounds that recognize the pain in me, yeah

I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I feel free now

But the airways are clean and there's nobody singing to me now

No change, I can't change

I can't change, I can't change

But I'm here in my mold

I am here in my mold

And I'm a million different people

from one day to the next

I can't change my mold

No, no, no, no, no, no, no

I can't change

I can't change it

'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life

Trying to make ends meet

Trying to find some money then you die

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down

You know the one that takes you to the places

where all the veins meet yeah

You know I can't change, I can't change

I can't change, I can't change

But I'm here in my mold

I am here in my mold

And I'm a million different people

from one day to the next

I can't change my mold

No, no, no, no, no

I can't change my mold

no, no, no, no, no,

I can't change

Can't change my body,

no, no, no

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down"

esta letra... subscrevo e assino por baixo lol

3 comentários:

Pistaxa disse...

Esta música transporta me pakeles tempos onde a ouvia xs sem conta no meu walkman qd vinha para casa já meia abananada das ideias AHAHAH.

Adoro a maneira como esta música me faz sentir e voltar atrás^^

Unknown disse...

lol acho que essa é uma das maravilhas da musica :)

alias, ja que falas em voltar atrás no tempo, estao a fazer-se avanços incriveis no estudo da memoria musical. A ligação à musica é tao importante nos seres humanos que o cerebro liga deliberadamente memorias a sons e musicas, que relaciona com o acontecimento. Tanto que descobriram que o que a mae ouve a nivel musical durante a gravidez influencia os gostos do bebe, conseguem fazer terapia em doentes de alzheimer que nao reconhecem familiares a trautear cançoes que eram populares quando eram jovens...Tocar um instrumento musical pode aumentar ate 7 pontos o Q.I.... acho isso incrivel lol

TIA LAU disse...

o pah esta musica é memo como tu dizes voltar atras!!! txi mas que bons tempos...ai q saudades!!!=)